
Orbit's Travel Blog - 22.04.2021.

How To Pack Efficiently For Travel

They say packing is a nightmare, but don't believe everything they say. We're here to tell you that packing will be done in a jiffy if you know what you're doing and if you stick to a saying by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "He who would travel happily must travel light"

Here are some tips for packing like a pro:

1. Plan day by day. Packing too much is a common mistake. You know the feeling - you packed 5 evening gowns and only wore one; the others were just extra weight. If you plan each day in advance, you can decide how many clothes to take. After you pack the basics, add a few extras - a warm sweater, a dressy dress, and maybe some jeans that you can wear with everything.

2. Wear the same clothes on the way there and back. This will save you two days' worth of clothes.

3. Put large or heavy clothes on the bottom. Putting heavier clothes at the bottom will make it easier to find other items in your suitcase.

4. Shoes? Sure, a girl needs shoes, but leave them in your closet when you travel. You really only need three pairs of shoes: sneakers, sandals, and a pair of formal shoes (optional). Plus, it gives you a good excuse to buy an extra pair if needed...

5. If you don't wear it at home, you won't wear it anywhere. If you have a dress that doesn't fit you or that you don't like, you won't like it on vacation either. We think it's good that you're giving it a second chance, but this is not the place to do it.

6. Roll, don't fold. This saves space and avoids creases.

How to pack efficiently for travel

7. take advantage of "empty spaces." Use your shoes and fill them with rolls of socks or other small items. Just don't put underwear in them! :)

8. Perfect little cans. If you want to take your favourite shampoo with you, make sure you put it in a small travel-size container. You can do the same with your makeup and other things.

9. Check the weather. If it's going to be hot, you don't need a jacket. Just saying :)

10. Save space for souvenirs. You will definitely want to buy some souvenirs and gifts, so leave extra space in your suitcase.

11. Don't pack anything you can't buy. Unless you plan on visiting a deserted island, rest assured that you can buy almost anything you need at your destination.

Still in desperate need of help? Try an app called PackPoint Packing List. Just enter your gender, departure date, destination, and planned activities and the app will do the thinking.

Orbit's Travel Blog

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